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Unpacking Stress, Low Mood, Anxiety and Pain with Mindfulness

An 8-week course adapted from Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) an evidence-based approach to reducing stress, low mood, anxiety and pain combining guided meditation, gentle yoga, neuroscience and stress physiology.

Learn practical mind-body, cognitive and contemplative techniques supported by neuroscientific evidence.

Increase sense of wellbeing by cultivating inner resources to relieve stress and manage pain more effectively.

Fee by donation, and only within your means.

8-week course.

8 x 1.5 hour classes + optional half-day retreat​.

20-30 min of daily home practice is a core part of realising the benefits of the course.

Guided by Karim Rushdy

I am a mindfulness practitioner, teacher and facilitator whose personal meditation practice transformed my relationship with chronic pain and led to a profound shift in perspective and personal understanding. Today I spend as much time as possible helping others cultivate their inner resources for growth, healing and transformation.

I am a director at Mindful Peak Performance, a social enterprise using mindfulness to enhance performance and mental wellbeing in elite sport, the workplace and in marginalised communities.

I have trained to teach Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University in the UK. I am a registered member of the British Association of Mindfulness-based Approaches (BAMBA) and serve as a Trustee at Breathworks, a leading charity and training organisation that offers mindfulness and compassion based approaches to managing long term pain and illness.

Upcoming Courses

Fee by donation, and only within your means.